Search and Listen replaces Crowdtangle for social monitoring
Now that Meta has shut down Crowdtangle, social media managers are relying on Search and Listen from SND.
Now that Meta has shut down Crowdtangle, social media managers are relying on Search and Listen from SND.
Instagram Collabs offers a fun and innovative way for universities and schools to boost their social presence.
Learn how your business, government agency or municipality can communicate more effectively with local residents through advanced Nextdoor use.
Created by SND in partnership with the team at Meta, this webinar covers essential topics tailored to enhance your presence and influence on Threads.
Whether you’re a seasoned social media manager looking to refine your strategies or a communicator new to the world of university social media management, this is the tutorial for you.
With Crowdtangle sunsetting soon, social media managers increasingly rely on Search and Listen to keep tabs on overperforming content.
Prepare your social media team for emergencies before they happen.
Listen in on the larger social conversation with our Search and Listen tool. It’s an effective tool for any organization to monitor public safety, media
Social media is a must-have tool for universities to reach out to prospective students.
From admissions to alumni, your university’s entire network is somewhere on social media. Check out these great ways to engage students every step of the way, wherever they are.
Let us show you how we can help you accomplish your goals on social media.
Since 2010 we’ve supported the largest local news companies, cities, schools, and businesses who require future proof and always-on social media management tools.
See why over 10,000 people trust us every day.
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