New Feature: Post Directly from an RSS Feed

At Social News Desk we sometimes create new features that are so cool, we almost wish we were back working in a newsroom so we could use them. Well my nerds, this

At Social News Desk we sometimes create new features that are so cool, we almost wish we were back working in a newsroom so we could use them. Well my nerds, this is one of those times.

Introducing today, an RSS feed reader! Take any RSS feed from anywhere on the internet and drop it into our new RSS feed column. And presto, your SND Dashboard is now twice as powerful. At least.

Drop in your RSS feed URL to start a feed column

What’s more? You can post directly from this feed to social media without having to leave the SND Dashboard. Imagine not having to ask, “Hey, did you post that thing yet?” and “Hey, where did you post that story? I don’t see it on the home page.” Now you can load RSS feeds of every main category on your website directly into your desktop. They’ll update as your website updates, so you’ll be able to move content to Facebook and Twitter faster. One less window to deal with. You’re welcome.

Start a post directly from the feed like the boss you are

Simply click the green Repost button in the top right of any item in the feed and it will automatically populate a post window for you. From here, you can write the body of the post and tweak the open-graph details for the link such as summary language, headline, and image just as you would inside of any Link style post.

Choose your post, make your edits, and move on

Pro Tips!

Are you a Frankly user? Tack this onto the end of any of your main category pages to see an RSS feed of that page. Use this URL to populate an RSS feed in SND Dashboard and bask in the glory: “?clienttype=rss” (as in

Do you monitor news topics on Reddit? Just add “.rss” to the end of any Reddit URL to see an RSS feed of that page in the SND Dashboard. (as in

Credit: Meta
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