Share great stories and unite your community
Let your experts and educational mission shine on social media. Perfect for universities and colleges, SND powers engagement with students and alumni across all social networks from one secure platform.
Social Media Managers
1 billion+
Facebook clicks monthly
Saved by users monthly
Trusted by professionals everywhere
From recruiting and retention to sudden emergencies, you’ll be ready.
Publish, listen and respond on all platforms from one place.
Department communications, student-led organizations, parent engagement and more
Department communications, student-led organizations, parent engagement and more
Manage multiple social media profiles without missing critical tasks, ensuring improved coordination and performance.
- Content approval required prior to publishing
- Plan and publish at the speed of social
- Effortless and automatic reposting
- User-friendly scheduling calendar
Control all your social media activities and manage thousands of accounts from a single platform.
- Log activities automatically
- Set up role-based access control
- No shared passwords
- Increase collaboration through shared workspaces
Support community engagement efforts, resolve issues, and promote community participation with ease.
- Create custom searches for what matters to you
- Track media and first responders
- Set up keyword listening
- Schedule interactions
Words from our customers
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A powerful solution trusted by thousands
Since 2010, we’ve proudly supported America’s largest news companies, cities, schools, and businesses who require future proof and always-on social media management tools.
See why over 10,000 people trust us every day.