
SND’s powerful, new “Planner” technology – now testing.

‘Give us all the feedback.’  SND Founder Kim Wilson put the power of the brand new SND Planner into the hands of our Test Drive Team this month. She reminded the small

‘Give us all the feedback.’ 

SND Founder Kim Wilson put the power of the brand new SND Planner into the hands of our Test Drive Team this month. She reminded the small group of SND Clients/Enthusiasts that they’re an incredibly important part of our development process.

“When we create something new, we rely on the SND Test Drive Team to run it through paces and we’re always thankful in advance for the honest feedback they give us.” 

Kim Wilson, Founder & President – Social News Desk

‘We don’t want to 100% automate the process of posting — but we know that there’s a percentage based on data efficiency that will make all the difference but manual posting is still important. Welcome to our hybrid approach.’

Aaron King, SND’s Chief Technical Officer walked our Test Drive Team through *how* to use SND Planner. He gets pretty giddy about our new technology. He told the team, ‘this will change the way you think about automation and manual publishing.’

This Changes Everything

1. New Layout: Total change to the way you schedule content. Think of the layout of a Google or Outlook Calendar. Clickable slots that make your life a lot easier.

SND Planner

2.  Drag and Drop: Who doesn’t love to click and slide things around? Easy to move content to visibly put it at the time of day you want it. 

3. Time Slots: Determine time slots of when you want to automate content to go out.  So apropos for TV. It’s like a rundown for social.

SND Time Slots in Planner

4. Curate Custom Feeds: Name the feeds what you want and use them as often as you’d like (Example: Weekend Picks, Top Picks). 

5. RSS Feeds – you can still have as many as you need! 

6. See & Schedule: See it in your feed? Want to schedule it? Click on the icon and lock in the time. 

7. Move Content: Changed your mind about the time? Click and alter it. 

8. Copy A Day: Loved the way Tuesday’s content was arranged? Copy that day’s format and repeat it for Wednesday.  

9. Pull Content into a Feed – see content somewhere and know exactly where else you’d like to use it? Pull it into your special feed.

10. Instagram…it’s coming soon in the Planner. SND Client Success Manager Sarah Loyd promised it on the call. Hold her to it. 

“It just makes scheduling so much easier,” is what Aaron guaranteed the team. 

You have so much control over future content and the order. Endless flexibility to change things on the fly to fit your day. 

The SND Test Drive Team is off to a running start trying out SND Planner and in a matter of weeks, we’ll be able to put a refined, top-notch version in your hands. Plan on it. 


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Home » SND Planner » SND’s powerful, new “Planner” technology – now testing.
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