8 Things Newsroom Social Managers Can Be Thankful For

As we prepare to stuff ourselves silly with Thanksgiving dinner, we’d like to take a moment to think about a few things social media managers in newsrooms can really give thanks for.

As we prepare to stuff ourselves silly with Thanksgiving dinner, we’d like to take a moment to think about a few things social media managers in newsrooms can really give thanks for.

People who read the articles.

Nothing warms a social media manager’s heart like commenters who have actually read the content and given a thoughtful response.

Original, viral content.

When one of your reporters cranks out an amazing local story and you get to be the very first to share it, it can really add some shine to your day.

Thanksgiving Day football.

Not only does it give you some ready-made social content, it also keeps the sports department from eating all the pie.

Freshly hired reporters.

You know the ones – they’re still wide-eyed enough that they are trainable and willing to help. Shape them into the social contributors that you want them to be, before they’re too jaded!

Snapchat, Periscope, Vine, etc…

Be thankful that the measure of success on these peripheral social networks isn’t necessarily views or traffic, but whether or not you give them a try.

A contentious issue with no clear answer.

The more viewpoints there are on a story, the more comments you’re bound to get. Remember to ask a great question and encourage discussion in the comments!

Commenters with a sense of humor.

When you’re having a long day of reading the comments, someone with a legitimately well-timed zinger can make all the bad stuff go away (for a little while).

Newsroom Thanksgiving.

If you have to work, may your news director smile on you with a fully catered Thanksgiving meal. Or at least a well-organized potluck and some amazing pies.

Remember… don’t eat too much turkey. Tryptophan makes it hard to get yourself ready for those Black Friday live shots. Here’s to a wonderful Thanksgiving from #TeamSND!

Credit: Meta

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