Facebook’s “20% Rule” is No More

For years, Facebook required that images on ads contain less than 20% text – commonly known as the “20% Rule.” But Facebook has quietly removed that requirement. While Facebook hasn’t published any

For years, Facebook required that images on ads contain less than 20% text – commonly known as the “20% Rule.” But Facebook has quietly removed that requirement. While Facebook hasn’t published any official confirmation that the requirement is no longer in place, they did issue this confirmation to social media consultant Matt Navarra.

The current guidance from Facebook is more recommendation than rule: “Avoid too much image text. We’ve found that images with less than 20% text perform better.”

Facebook defines “image text” as “any text that exists on your ad image or creative,” indicated by #3 in the example below.

Source: Facebook

While there’s no longer a hard and fast rule on image text, Facebook is still strongly recommending that most of the text stay in the body of the post rather than inside the image. We have a few more recommendations to make sure you’re getting the most out of your ads, without resorting to more image text:

  • Less is more. Keep your post text short so it’s not cut off on any placements.
  • Use headlines for important points. When you include a URL in your ad, you can customize the headline. Don’t leave it blank, this is great visual real estate!
  • Include an emoji, if appropriate. Not every ad is emoji-friendly, but if the subject matter isn’t too serious, consider dropping an emoji in the headline and/or the post text. Every bit of color catches the eye!

Need help crafting an effective ad? Our team is trained and certified to make sure you’re spending your money effectively, and that starts with great creative. Get in touch with us at info@socialnewsdesk.com to learn how to get started.

Credit: Meta

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