Up until now, only blue-check verified Facebook pages could post content using the branded content handshake tool () which allows a Page to bring in a third party sponsor for its post. Facebook has JUST changed this rule, so now ANYONE can request Branded Content approval and access to the handshake tool. Apply right here! You don’t have to be a verified page.
This move seems to be in step with Facebook’s newly updated branded content policy, which also now forces branded content to be labeled as “Paid.” That looks like this:
Facebook defines paid content as “a creator or publisher’s content that features or is influenced by a business partner for an exchange of value.” The label “paid” is a tad controversial as some argue branded content posts aren’t always “paid for” – take added value deals as an example, where no money exchanged hands. Others however, applaud the move toward greater transparency. If anything is certain, it’s that there will be more changes – like it or not.
No matter your view on the new rules, the fact remains that branded content posts on Facebook are the hottest new trend in driving digital revenue for news orgs. Some of our clients are seeing wildly successful campaigns bring in a lot of money in a brand new way. It can be tricky to start a new revenue stream, but SND Campaigns is designed to make managing your branded content posts super easy, with clear deliverable metrics for your clients. Here are three ways we make making money easier.
Product integration makes tagging a breeze
When you or anyone on your staff is preparing a Facebook post that will have a branded content sponsor attached, SND allows you to easily access a list of your ongoing campaigns right there in the SND post window. Tagging that post with the corresponding SND campaign means the post’s metrics will now be automatically included in your client’s branded content report which is generated by SND Campaigns..
Quick Post templates make tagging foolproof
I admit, I’m a bit of a control freak. If I have to trust someone else to do something for me, especially if revenue is attached, I have a hard time passing the reins. Luckily, with Social News Desk, I can create a Quick Post with my branded content sponsor attached, making the process foolproof for anyone on my team to take over.
Scheduling tools for plotting your campaign
If you know your campaign script for all future campaign related posts, you could easily sit down with a pot of coffee and schedule them out for the duration – in one go. Keep track of them inside the SND Dashboard where you can change or pause any campaign posts if you need to.
Want to know more about branded content rules? Want to know more about SND Campaigns? We’re happy to help, just give us a shout at support@socialnewsdesk.com.