Optimize Social Posts with the new SND Auto Pilot

We’ve come up with something different. A brand new SND Auto Pilot with the perfect blend of automation, data-intelligence and YOU. It’s an innovation we’re calling “hybrid-automation” because we believe the future

We’ve come up with something different. A brand new SND Auto Pilot with the perfect blend of automation, data-intelligence and YOU. It’s an innovation we’re calling “hybrid-automation” because we believe the future of social publishing in newsrooms will be equal parts data-science and journalism. Each making the other more effective. And neither ideal on its own.

Here’s how the optimization works:

First, there’s no secret formula here. SND Auto Pilot will optimize your automatic posts using a system that is intentionally transparent. The algorithm is built by you. You tell it what is important by setting rules around RSS topics, keywords, timeliness, source, day-part and frequency. It also pulls in automatic signals from Google Analytics and social media to identify trending articles that you haven’t posted yet – and it adds those to the recommendation queue.

Consider this the roadmap for your social account. It’s a sophisticated schedule that you designed with all the right data signals at your fingertips. At this point, you have two choices:

1) SET IT AND FORGET IT: Watch as SND Auto Pilot optimizes posts to YOUR specifications and sends them out automatically. Adjusting in real time as new signals and data are pulled in.

2) SET IT AND FINESSE IT: Keep an eye on the SND Auto Pilot queue as it updates dynamically in real time. You’ll be able to see what’s coming up next, exclude stories you don’t want to post, rearrange the order, update post text and make any other changes you’d like on the fly.

As a journalist, you’re always going to make the best decisions about how to represent your news-brand on social. That’s why we believe eliminating YOU from the posting workflow would be a big mistake. Instead, the new SND Auto Pilot gives you the data and control you need to simplify and automate social publishing without taking the expert out of the room (that’s you!).

Want to be part of the Test Drive Team that’s beta testing the new SND Auto Pilot? Message us here.

Credit: Meta
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