SND’s Client-Centric Reports with Customizable Metrics

You’re running a social campaign on behalf of one of your clients. They want to know how it’s doing. Blow them away with a great report without having to do any extra

SND's Client-Centric Reports with Customizable Metrics

You’re running a social campaign on behalf of one of your clients. They want to know how it’s doing. Blow them away with a great report without having to do any extra work.

Within SND Campaigns, you have the ability to generate a performance report. It’s customizable – so you can highlight the parts that are doing the best and put aside the parts that don’t need to be showcased.

SND's Client-Centric Reports with Customizable Metrics

Show them how many posts have gone out, how many people it’s reached and which post performed the best.

Stop spending your spare time pulling this data from different places and trying to make it look good. We can generate these reports for you automatically. Simple, professional and a few clicks away.

Your client with love what you’ve done for them. You’ll love that SND did it for you.  

New to SND? Click here to line up a demo or to learn more about Social News Desk!

Credit: Meta
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