
Test Drive Team Update: And They’re Off!

This week has been exciting for our Test Drive Team – they officially jumped into the driver’s seat of the new SND Dashboard and are ready to start putting it through the paces!

This week has been exciting for our Test Drive Team – they officially jumped into the driver’s seat of the new SND Dashboard and are ready to start putting it through the paces!

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Everyone received their new username and password for beta testing, and got to log on for the very first time. The new login process is simple and straightforward, and our development team has made many security enhancements under the hood.

Derek Drake, Aaron King and I walked users through some of the functions that are already in place so that users can begin using the dashboard right away. Most users were excited about dragging and dropping content into their post, and adding up to four pictures to a Tweet. The process to add new social accounts to a dashboard has also been simplified, and our developers are continuing to make improvements to this feature.

Fun fact: SND Test Drive Team member Barney Lerten was a beta tester for AOL.

In addition to training our Test Drive Team on the new dashboard, King also introduced members to an internal Slack team that will allow ongoing communication between our testers, client strategy reps and developers. Kim Wilson, SND’s Founder and President, says she hopes that the Slack team will be a great place for team members to share ideas and make the beta test more collaborative.

The beta test is officially underway – which means we’ll be bringing more frequent updates about what the Test Drive Team is up to. Keep checking back to learn about what’s happening inside the new SND Dashboard!

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