
SND’s AI helps you pick the best time to post and best frequency for your content

We never want to take the journalist out of the journalism but leaning on Social News Desk’s artificial intelligence capabilities can help you make better, data-driven decisions. For instance – what content

We never want to take the journalist out of the journalism but leaning on Social News Desk’s artificial intelligence capabilities can help you make better, data-driven decisions. For instance – what content is hot, what time of day does your account usually get the most traffic, and what’s the ideal number of posts for your audience? Here’s how it works:

Best Time To Post

Want to know when to publish content for the best shot at high engagement, high traffic results? Turn on the Best Time to Post indicator at the top of Planner to get suggestions on best post times from SND’s artificial intelligence. Our real time data base is constantly capturing your posts and the engagement they receive. Using this historical data, SND’s AI can predict the time of day when your content usually gets the most engagement – so you’ll know the Best Time to Post.

How Often to Post

There’s no hard and fast rule on how frequently you should post to social media, but we can help you determine the “sweet spot” for your specific brand. That is, how much content should you publish to maximize your engagement and traffic without oversaturating your audience. Again, it’s not magic – it’s just a matter of leveraging SND’s massive database. We can look back at your account performance and determine your ideal frequency. As that number changes, we let you know.

The frequency recommendation is near the top of Planner. You’ll see how much content you have scheduled for the day (based on what’s been posted, planned or scheduled) and what the optimal post volume is based on SND’s AI-based analysis of your account’s past performance. You’ll know at a glance whether you can squeeze in more content, or maybe ease up on the number of posts you’re planning to publish.

SND, Take The Wheel

SND’s AI-based technology is at the core of our intelligent automation capabilities which we call Autopilot. You can put Autopilot in charge of automatically determining your post schedule and frequency. For example, if you’re not sure whether to schedule content every 30 minutes or every 45 minutes… just let Autopilot decide. You can activate this feature inside the Autopilot Block settings. And because we believe automation should never be “all or nothing”, you can even mix and match when Autopilot is in charge of your schedule, and when you want set that schedule yourself.

As always, you’re in charge of the content that is published to your page, using Autopilot’s feeds, filters and exclusion tools. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to give Autopilot a try – it’s now! Setting up Autopilot’s new features take only a few minutes, and can save you hours. Our Client Success team is ready to help you with setup if you aren’t sure how to get started. Email us for a quick tutorial!

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